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In my own little world
Di as in Diva
she her
Faerie at heart
Kiss my wings!
Slowly ID


dii 📰 674 days ago

"don't play the butter notes"

dii 😱 683 days ago

another new zine!

dii 🎬 689 days ago

with every traumatic event I experience, I level up and become more poetic. I also dress more and more like The Nanny.

dii 💔 689 days ago

there goes summer

dii ☕️ 691 days ago

The King has been served.

dii ☕️ 698 days ago

The King is ready for his feast. Be ready to serve him.

dii ☕️ 708 days ago

java shit crappucino

dii ☕️ 709 days ago

when you're in a funk, start dancing.....

dii ✨ 712 days ago

I'm not afraid of clowns, only clowns who call themselves men.

dii 💾 720 days ago

I finally updated my website

dii 🎱 721 days ago

it's been a wistful summer

dii 🎱 733 days ago

I don't know why mullets are making a comeback, I guess I just have to accept this is the world we live in now.

dii 🏂 738 days ago

'all the lonely people, where do they all belong'

dii 🎶 743 days ago

told myself the Chet Baker phase of my life was over; heartache & loneliness brought it back full swing

dii 🎶 745 days ago

everything happens to me

dii 🌱 750 days ago

They might not need me, but they might / I'll let my head be just in sight; / A smile as small as mine might be / Precisely their necessity.

dii ✈️ 764 days ago


dii ☕ 771 days ago

new job

dii 🎶 782 days ago

maintain a state of grace in your heart

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