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status updates from yours truly.


cybersabrin 🤩 425 days ago

new media log update >:) just finished trigun maximum....

cybersabrin 🌈 427 days ago

trigun brainrot rotting the brain

cybersabrin 🤐 428 days ago

trigun stampede episode 7 - wolfwood

cybersabrin 🌈 440 days ago

word of advice: DO NOT get eaten by a shark

cybersabrin 🎶 447 days ago

i got time but it's not for you bro, don't you realize what i'm sayin'

cybersabrin 👽 458 days ago


cybersabrin 🌈 461 days ago

new website look who dis

cybersabrin 🐱 468 days ago

in the middle of COMPLETELY redesigning my site yet again... XD

cybersabrin 🥳 470 days ago

ANOTHER new blog post heheee

cybersabrin 🤐 479 days ago

the procrastinator (me) is forced to face the consequences of their actions (deadlines)

cybersabrin 🥱 489 days ago

writing final papers.....

cybersabrin 🤩 509 days ago

just learned how to use iframes nobody speak to me

cybersabrin 🤩 537 days ago

just added a couple quiz results, a bunch of buttons to sites i have friend-crushes on, and a new doodle in my toybox... weeeeeee!

cybersabrin 😴 539 days ago

spring break almost over..... bracing myself

cybersabrin 🙂 546 days ago

scream 6 tonight!!!! wahoooo

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