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cybersabrin 🌈 3 days ago

i miss my daughter claudia de lioncourt de pointe du lac eparvier

cybersabrin ❤️ 6 days ago

bonding with farm animals is healing

cybersabrin 🤖 8 days ago

big brother adding ai is the stupidest thing in the entire world i hate it

cybersabrin 🌈 21 days ago

interviewing these damn vampires is ruining my life!!!

cybersabrin 🌧️ 41 days ago

nobody speak 2 me i just finished crisis core ffvii

cybersabrin 👽 45 days ago

i did not know miku made death metal.. headbangin miku...

cybersabrin 🌈 69 days ago

haven't watched a shit movie in weeks i've been so balls deep into this ai no kusabi fixation helpppp

cybersabrin 😎 75 days ago

gary got that meow in him

cybersabrin 🤒 82 days ago

how the heck do i archive my 123guestbook entries..... i want to save them all somehow.... rip

cybersabrin 🤩 141 days ago

i'm binging movies too fast i can't keep up on my media log... lol.....

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