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status updates from yours truly.


cybersabrin 🌧️ 164 days ago

snow day!! thank you new england winters

cybersabrin 🙃 166 days ago

my poor choices are catching up to me... 3 days straight of bg3 and 0 days of homework leads to a very stressful sunday night for weenie

cybersabrin 🧐 173 days ago

they should make rhythm games but with classical music...

cybersabrin 💀 178 days ago

[mushu voice] I LIVEEEEEEEE

cybersabrin 🥳 194 days ago

happy birthday to this site!! wowwza

cybersabrin 💤 228 days ago

final week of finals week. it's looking so rough for me oh man.. truly hellish. please Pray for me internet strangers...

cybersabrin 🌈 262 days ago

my brain has been deep fried and i can't get it out!!!!

cybersabrin 💀 279 days ago

don't ask me how i'm doing i just started rewatching supernatural in 2023

cybersabrin 🙃 306 days ago

i'm still alive i swear

cybersabrin 🥰 306 days ago

i'm still alive i swear

cybersabrin 🌈 336 days ago

finally made a 88x31 button that i am actually happy with

cybersabrin 👽 341 days ago

facetiming with em talking about website stuff !!

cybersabrin 🌧️ 346 days ago

home sweet home... so many emails to respond to..

cybersabrin 🙃 358 days ago

just updated my jjk (mundane au) shrine :-)

cybersabrin 😴 364 days ago

i'm feeling like such a sleepy little guy right now..

cybersabrin 🐶 368 days ago

updated my blog journaling about my trip to the mountains <3

cybersabrin 🥱 376 days ago

lost my voice. sound like an old man smoker

cybersabrin 🤩 382 days ago

new media log update >:) just finished trigun maximum....

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