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cringe 🌈 62 days ago

finally done with school... for now

cringe 🥱 66 days ago

passed my certification exam

cringe 🤖 69 days ago

im not passing this certification

cringe 💔 71 days ago

being given a suprise shift at work sucks

cringe 🥰 74 days ago

passed half of my certification

cringe 🤒 75 days ago

dont expect many recent site updates as im working more on studying

cringe 🤔 80 days ago

i am severely at risk of not getting another trinket on my linkedin profile

cringe 🌧️ 81 days ago

driving in a storm sucks

cringe 😶 85 days ago

life is boringly good. just a straight line on the excitement graph

cringe 😯 88 days ago

i wanna start a comic but i have no character ideas

cringe 🧐 91 days ago

i wonder how busy the friday rush will be due to construction

cringe 💤 95 days ago


cringe 🙃 97 days ago

forgot my airpods so now i have to go a whole shift listening to the same playlist my coworker puts on every day 🥲

cringe 😭 99 days ago

i have to work 4 days in a row

cringe 👽 100 days ago

cannot get the backup camera to work, but i dont really care because i drive like 2 miles a day

cringe 😎 101 days ago

installed the new infotainment

cringe 🙃 101 days ago

gonna install a new stereo today

cringe 🌱 105 days ago

i have to do mock interviews today

cringe 😶 106 days ago

i currently have no ideas, yay

cringe ☀️ 108 days ago

that eclipse was freaking epic

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