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cringe 📰 1 day ago

went to the museum

cringe 😭 6 days ago

why couldn't crowdstrike impact my job

cringe 🎨 11 days ago

artfight kinda fun, i need to do this more

cringe 🎬 18 days ago

going to go see inside out 2

cringe 😴 21 days ago

motivated to do something but i dont want to do something

cringe 😡 22 days ago

im tired of doing things. i just wanna draw but i have to go to a town thats an hour away

cringe ✏️ 25 days ago

artfight starts today and i dont have the motivation for it rn

cringe 🎨 30 days ago

made a new reference image

cringe 🙃 34 days ago

accidentally deleted the file i was working on

cringe 💔 36 days ago

returning to work after not working for 2 weeks feels so tough

cringe 🐶 40 days ago

happy fathers day

cringe ⛵ 45 days ago

gone fishin'

cringe 🌧️ 48 days ago

suspended from twitter

cringe 🌈 50 days ago

had my hours for work cut this week

cringe 🤩 54 days ago

today is the day i graduate

cringe 🥰 55 days ago

last day until graduation

cringe 😡 56 days ago

26 hour work week

cringe 😡 58 days ago

they banned stop on error on monkeytype so now i have to get good

cringe 🤩 61 days ago

i made an "app" for writing status updates, which i am writing this one from!

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