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crayoncapsule 🎷 111 days ago

The Hello!Project idol → queer indie darling → Forbes Japan's "Change Makers of the Year” pipeline.

crayoncapsule 🥹 111 days ago

Fangirling so hard for Ayaka Wada rn.

crayoncapsule ✏️ 112 days ago

Concept: sleeping on a sunbeam.

crayoncapsule 🎶 112 days ago

Sonically, TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s new EP, minisode 3: TOMORROW, is about ten years too late.

crayoncapsule 🤔 113 days ago

Thinkin’ about dead internet theory.

crayoncapsule ☕️ 114 days ago

John Mayer starts playing at this cafe and I’m instantly transported back to 2006.

crayoncapsule 🥺 126 days ago

Do you take thee silly guy to be your lawfully wedded silly guy in hee hee and in ha ha for as long as you both shall el oh el??

crayoncapsule ✏️ 129 days ago

Concept: limited edition swirlies.

crayoncapsule ✏️ 132 days ago

Concept: Ghostface in the style of Mother Mary iconography.

crayoncapsule 🐶 135 days ago

Just saw a dog whose hair was cut to make it look like a lion!! It was!! so cute!!

crayoncapsule 🌧️ 148 days ago

Thinking about rain boots again.

crayoncapsule 💻 149 days ago

Feeling really bored with social media/the internet lately, but also a lot more interested in my own creative ideas. Kinda neat.

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