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✿ 100% LUCKY DAY


crayoncapsule ✏️ 18 days ago

Concept: a froglet with a beak mask.

crayoncapsule 🍏 19 days ago

Buying different kinds of fruit just so I can collect all the stickers.

crayoncapsule ☀️ 19 days ago

[7:30am] They’ve got surf rock playing at the coffee shop and somehow every song sounds the same.

crayoncapsule ❤️ 44 days ago

Sorry to get really annoying and stuff all of a sudden, but I recently learned that I’m actually amazing and fun and interesting and hawt.

crayoncapsule 🙂 44 days ago

I love saying “don’t freak out” before delivering news that is actually great and fun.

crayoncapsule 🙃 48 days ago

Reread “slow time on my own” and thought it said “slime time on my own.”

crayoncapsule 👀 48 days ago

My Uber driver is on the phone and speaking in French and I swear to god he has a “hón hón hón” laugh.

crayoncapsule 🤔 48 days ago

Do you think bugs are happy?? I mean, a spider fell out of my mailbox yesterday—was SHE happy??

crayoncapsule 🌙 55 days ago

[7:05am] A clear, blue sky and a sketch of the crescent moon.

crayoncapsule 🐱 65 days ago

Why do so many people like cats.

crayoncapsule 🥱 69 days ago

[7:10am] Walking home. Passed a pigeon and, without thinking, chucked up a deuce and said, “what’s up, lil dude.”

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