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Hello, I'm Key! I'm a big ol' geek with too much time on my hands who mostly just wants to make people smile.

Cringe Culture is Dead Do What You Love! Rainbows Rock!


cooperationiskey ❄️ 7 days ago

It's getting cold in Florida. I'm sitting here with a blanket and gloves and thick socks and heating pads. I'm considering a heated blanket!

cooperationiskey 🌈 123 days ago

I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to update this. Hi.

cooperationiskey 😂 237 days ago

I just heard the phrase "Thanks, I appreci-hate it" and I absolutely must incorporate this into my personal lexicon.

cooperationiskey 🧋 405 days ago

protein shakes suck. how do people drink these regularly? D:

cooperationiskey 🤒 425 days ago

So uh. Don't get you covid and flu shots at the same time, especially if you're immunocompromised. Shit sucks.

cooperationiskey 🌈 435 days ago

Oops, it's been like 254 days since I last updated here. Uh...I'm working on my site again for the first time in a while! :D

cooperationiskey 💻 689 days ago

I want to do more on my site but I don't really have any ideas at the moment... I do have a plushie to add to the plushie page though!

cooperationiskey 🌈 743 days ago

Thinking about weird toys I had as a kid and feeling nostalgic. Search "Texas Instruments Voyager" or "VTech PreComputer 1000" for details.

cooperationiskey 😭 763 days ago

I want to sleep but I can't stop ticcing so violently that I'm hurting myself so I guess I'm just not sleeping tonight. Yay.

cooperationiskey 😶 794 days ago

I'm boooooored. I think I'll try to beat the next boss (the Sky Titan one) in Core Keeper tonight. o3o

cooperationiskey 🙃 800 days ago

I have a head cold. It sucks. Also I can't sleep, presumably because of said cold. Bleh.

cooperationiskey 👽 827 days ago

Still working on that Invader Zim site. Pretty proud of it! Also I have a domain for it now! :D

cooperationiskey 🎨 869 days ago

I need to work on art fight attacks but I'm so art blocked atm. D:

cooperationiskey 🤔 871 days ago

Haven't updated this in over a month. Oops. Hi, I'm alive.

cooperationiskey 👽 913 days ago

Wheeee, watching Doctor Who for the first time in years~

cooperationiskey 🤐 956 days ago

Boredy bored bored. Need to work more on my recipes page on my site but I don't really feel like it. Hrm.

cooperationiskey 🥳 967 days ago

Happy Easter to all who celebrate, and have a lovely day to the rest of you!

cooperationiskey 🍕 973 days ago

I had pepperoni pizza Hot Pockets for lunch and for dinner today. So that was fun. :D

cooperationiskey 😎 976 days ago

Hi I stayed up all night again like an idiot. Whoops.

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