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Hello, I'm Key! I'm a big ol' geek with too much time on my hands who mostly just wants to make people smile.

Cringe Culture is Dead Do What You Love! Rainbows Rock!


cooperationiskey 🎨 930 days ago

My website has updates! Woo! First time in a couple months. :D

cooperationiskey 😡 933 days ago

Both heartbroken and fucking angry. And so tired.

cooperationiskey 🤐 953 days ago

IIIIIIIIIII almost forgot I had dinner in the oven. >_>;;;

cooperationiskey 😡 966 days ago

Awesome, another doctor's appointment missed because the cab company my insurance provides doesn't have any available drivers. Sorry???

cooperationiskey 😭 989 days ago

I've got to pee terribly but roommate's doggo is curled up next to my leg (and has been for quite a while) and I don't want to disturb him.

cooperationiskey 🎨 998 days ago

Kinda wanna be creative but I have no ideas. :T

cooperationiskey 😛 1005 days ago

D'awwww I got my first hate comments on my site! And you know, I'm not bothered. XD

cooperationiskey 😴 1008 days ago

I... should sleep. >_> Except I slept the vast majority of the last 48 hours. :I

cooperationiskey 🥳 1017 days ago

I officially have Status Cafe embedded on my site! :D

cooperationiskey 🎨 1017 days ago

Anyway hey look I made one of these thingies, and I'm rather pleased with my profile!

Newer statuses