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Hello there!

  • I am a computer science student from Germany
  • My pronouns are he/him
  • I have a website:
  • I'm a huge Zelda and Star Wars fan
  • I love writing, video games, movies, theatre, and basically everything related to storytelling
Currently, I'm working on my first (real) novel and my website while trying to balance the start of my studies.
Backgroundimage by Freepik


code-cafe 🥳 15 days ago

My neocities blog is 1 year old!! (and still in construction 😅😭)

code-cafe 🙂 47 days ago

oh my god, new Life is Strange Game coming!!

code-cafe 🤩 64 days ago

voted for the first time today!🗳️🇪🇺

code-cafe 🤩 65 days ago

i thought this 2fa key is a total waste of money, but if you look closely there are infact many sites you can use it on

code-cafe 🐱 73 days ago

just wanted to share a cat emoji 😸

code-cafe 🍞 74 days ago

finished loveless yesterday awesome book! btw. why is there no garlic bread emoji?!? like I can do 🧄🍞🥖 and 🇩🇰 but no garlic bread?!?

code-cafe 🍦 78 days ago

i got ice cream, now back to math

code-cafe 😶 79 days ago

complexe numbers are fun. sequences and series could be easier...

code-cafe 🐱 80 days ago

Happiest day of my life!! A random cat just walks up to me and sat down on my lap for 20 minutes 😍

code-cafe 😭 81 days ago

RIP 123guestbook

code-cafe 🙂 82 days ago

i don't like debugging, why can't the compiler just know what i want?!?

code-cafe 🥳 83 days ago

may the force be with you!

code-cafe 🙂 86 days ago

just finished watching Bad Batch. This was awesome! I need a new season...why does it have to end now?! I want new season!!!

code-cafe 😭 86 days ago

Fixed my website issue. It was a f*ing typo in the DNS record!! 198 is not the same as 98, how could it take me sooo long to see this...😿

code-cafe 🙂 89 days ago

finally caught up with the new Life is Strange comics. I like them. Though it's weird, LiS 1 didn't happen in this world

code-cafe 😭 92 days ago

Cool, my site can't be accessed with certain vpn protocols. WHYYYYY!

code-cafe 💾 125 days ago

finally uploaded my new changes to my site

code-cafe 🙂 130 days ago

I've been super busy, but with my last exam this Thursday, I'll finally have more time for my blog and some bigger changes I wanted to make

code-cafe 🔥 146 days ago

Finally Signal usernames !!

code-cafe 🥳 147 days ago

i finally got a blåhaj!

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