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Hello there!

  • I am a computer science student from Germany
  • My pronouns are he/him
  • I have a website:
  • I'm a huge Zelda and Star Wars fan
  • I love writing, video games, movies, theatre, and basically everything related to storytelling
Currently, I'm working on my first (real) novel and my website while trying to balance the start of my studies.
Backgroundimage by Freepik


code-cafe 💾 149 days ago

Couldn’t recover my Laptop password. I now deleted the Mac and reinstall everything since the las backup 🥲 *sad bagpipe noises 🫡*

code-cafe 💀 149 days ago

I forgot my laptops password and I'm about to have my wisdom teeth pulled

code-cafe 🙂 151 days ago

trying to imporve security *and* privacy on my computers is quite arduous

code-cafe 💻 153 days ago

trying to work on my blog a bit

code-cafe 💀 162 days ago

well, wrote my second exam for uni today. That was an awful experience

code-cafe 💀 162 days ago

Writing an exam today

code-cafe ❤️ 163 days ago

Tip: get some extra slice of Cake or Garlic Bread. 
Cupid's got nothing on you! 🍰

code-cafe 🐱 185 days ago

I hate allergy | I already would have been a crazy cat lady as a 12-year-old boy

code-cafe 🥳 186 days ago

got the new script for theatre 🎭

code-cafe 🔥 187 days ago

At a demonstration against racism and fascism

code-cafe 🥺 188 days ago

first james gunn makes me cry because of a tree + racoon, now i rotate AVL trees. what have i done to trees to deserve this?

code-cafe 📚 206 days ago

working on a presentation

code-cafe 🎮 209 days ago

Just finished “Missed Messages” - awesome game! Now finally started “Undertale”

code-cafe 📖 211 days ago

got new space for books! now i can get new ones | not that i would read them any time soon...

code-cafe 🔥 217 days ago

finally finished my new blog post!!

code-cafe 😭 219 days ago

Less than a week until christmas!?! December was one long week

code-cafe 💀 226 days ago

still have to finish a maths worksheet

code-cafe 🥳 229 days ago

Today - on 10. Dezember 1830 - Emily Dickinson turned 193! Happy Birthday 🎂!

code-cafe 🙃 238 days ago

I play Minecraft for educational reasons

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