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clouded 😴 158 days ago


clouded ✏️ 182 days ago

so..... many..... tabs.....

clouded ✨ 183 days ago

woke up and got like four different signs from god that i should stop being lazy about my site and do something with it LIKE DAMN I GET IT..

clouded ☀️ 193 days ago

ultimamente: mucho sol y arena

clouded ☀️ 212 days ago

figured i should start using this thing more often and not every three months... v meta but it's crazy how much has grown!

clouded 👀 283 days ago

is this thing on?

clouded ✨ 396 days ago

lately: thinking about art & turning 18 & my midterms & 1915 - Fuera de Lugar & how fucking cool the sea is

clouded 😭 406 days ago

i fucking hate physics i'm sorry miles

clouded 🙂 430 days ago

we have nothing to update

clouded 😎 457 days ago

me this friday handing in my midterm knowing the jellyfish's pressure at 10m is 2673828826472737pa:

clouded 💤 462 days ago

snork mimimimimi snork mimimimimi (translation: feeling cozy and sleepy)

clouded 🥰 468 days ago

new site is up and running!!!

clouded 🙃 495 days ago

update might take a little longer hehe 😅 it's been pretty much done for a while now, but life and stuff yknow

clouded 🙂 510 days ago

not dead, brb soon, look forward to it

clouded 🌱 528 days ago

saw penguins!! elephant seals!! sea lions!! guanacos!! armadillos!! so much sea and nature!! also enrolled in uni!! life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!

clouded 🔥 530 days ago

sensación térmica de 42° aaaaaa soy la persona más miserable del planeta

clouded 🎶 534 days ago

(as long as you don't look at the source code) this page i'm making is SLAYING

clouded 💻 534 days ago

currently tackling yet another javascript project with nothing but zero knowledge and a dream why do i keep doing this to myself

clouded 🎨 535 days ago

worked on the site today and got out of my little creative block yay! made a super cute background for a music player page

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