'why aren't young people going clubbing?' WORK MAKES ME DO EVERY WEEKEND AND I HAVE NO MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Homepage
- https://ciel.neocities.org
- hiciel@proton.me
- About
amatuer photographer, ex-hikkineet, part time elf, stuff-doer, queer, emo
happy new year
i'm a lifemodel now
big update 2day, gonna finally change it so it's not halloween and catch up from... september...
haven't been able to do anything fun or cool in weeks.. finally going to a somewhat underground event tonight yay. fuck landlords btw
my younger cat, ripley, had to be put down yesterday after illness. im going to make her a memorial page
at least twice now, when i've told someone i want to be an actor their response has been 'you look like an actor' which is very :)
i have 3 employers and am doing freelance as well what the fuck is going on
experimenting with eating fish. i've got really sick after eating it b4 and thought i had an allergy, but turns out maybe not
reading that liam payne died is getting me in a way i wouldn't expect. i had so many friends who loved 1D as a teen
tfw work tries giving you a shift on a day you said you couldn't work, then gets mad at you for being unavailable :)
lately ive been trying to make my aesthetic something i,m calling 'female horror game protagonist (male)'
it should absolutely be illegal for work to charge you for branded uniforms they require you to wear
today's unpopular opinion is that bloquette is the WORST aesthetic of All Time
trying to draw every day :)
first day in new house
thinking about survivorship bias in clothing making teens think 00s zara made High Quality Clothing
got free food today at the anti-racism demo. i don't think the racists were giving out free food! just saying!!!
people still seem 2 think being an extra pays super well. no. omg
in desperate need of more capsule wardrobe content directed at men (whose personalities aren't made of cardboard)