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amatuer photographer, ex-hikkineet, part time elf, stuff-doer, queer, emo


ciel 🥹 99 days ago


ciel 🙂 102 days ago

started playing one way heroics + rewatching sel :-)

ciel 🔥 102 days ago

that job got back to me and offered me a conditional position!!! i just have to pass a bg check now oof

ciel 😭 103 days ago

i am SICK of nostalgia, fomo, time passing, aging, feeling like life is so short i am already dead, etc

ciel 💻 104 days ago

playing machinarium - a lil point and click about cute robots! recommend!!

ciel 🍏 106 days ago

was woken up by construction at 8.30 :(... i had yogurt and berries for breakfast, i forgot how good that is

ciel 📰 107 days ago

reading the news is very depressing! wow! there are people out there who think at age 24 i am still not old enough 2 know my own gender

ciel ✨ 107 days ago

made a shitty button; updating my links page weeoo

ciel 💡 108 days ago

having that issue where there are so many things i wanna do that i do none of them at all

ciel 🥹 109 days ago

sometimes throwing up is just drinking vodka in reverse

ciel 🎶 110 days ago

going 2 a punk show raising money for mental health charitites today (braindance @ broadcast)

ciel 😛 111 days ago

added an email address to my profile/site to facilitate internet friendship classic style :D email me abt TES lore or 2 exchange recipes idk

ciel 😯 111 days ago

didn't get the last job i interviwed for bc the org's budget got cut and they couldn't take as many ppl as they wanted (twas mh related)

ciel 🤩 111 days ago

looking at my vinted balance of £39.20 like wooooow look how fucking rich i am

ciel 📚 114 days ago

does anyone else respond to stress by wanting to get rid of all your possessions and becoming a nomad?

ciel 🐱 114 days ago

had an interview yesterday, and a mock interview for a different role tomorrow. it's so hard being a person

ciel 🥳 131 days ago

gonna see mass of the fermenting dregs tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

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