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carbis 🙂 619 days ago

Working from Tel Aviv this morning. Big city vibes.

carbis ✈️ 620 days ago

Leaving Paphos Cyprus for Tel Aviv. Both have great beaches, but the beaches back home are even better.

carbis 🙃 621 days ago

Look at moi look at moi look at moooiii

carbis 💾 621 days ago

Messing around with the Shopify API.

carbis ✈️ 621 days ago

Enjoying the sun in Cyprus, but glad to be leaving tomorrow. Two weeks was a little too long.

carbis 😎 690 days ago

Started working on my new site yesterday.

carbis 😱 718 days ago

Forgot about meeting a friend for sunrise coffee this morning, and slept in! He was there by himself. Ugh! Sorry!

carbis 😭 719 days ago

Wish I could work on personal projects but I have to work. :( Also, I'm really stuck on this Firebase Auth stuff.

carbis 💡 726 days ago

Ready for another week. Hoping to finish my side project !

carbis 🤐 730 days ago

Podcast was fine. All talked out now.

carbis 🎤 730 days ago

Getting ready to record another episode of the podcast.

carbis 🥳 731 days ago

Figured out Firebase auth with Sveltekit! Next step: Implement Firestore.

carbis 🙂 733 days ago

I played so poorly in our Pavlov match tonight. Let the team down.

carbis 🧐 740 days ago

Coffee and Duolingo done. Now time for some work.

carbis 👽 743 days ago

Hey @gome – I love VR gaming. Would happily show you the ropes sometime, if you've just got a new Quest or whatever.

carbis 😱 743 days ago

My new life motto: Cringe but Free

carbis 😴 743 days ago

Great day today. Had a blast working on personal projects. Early night tonight, for an early start tomorrow.

carbis 💀 743 days ago

It has been so so cold this week. 7°C might not seem low, but when nobody has heating in their houses it's hard to get by.

carbis 💾 744 days ago

Good productive morning hacking away at stuff for work. Hoping I get time for personal projects later.

carbis 👽 744 days ago

Such a great game of Pavlov tonight with the APAC crew. Sapphire got an unreal sneaky clipper defuse in the last round.

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