My vacation is so soon!!! I hope I finish my G3 MLP page sometime.
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My vacation is over a week away!!!
I really really hope things go well in November!!!
Finally got a public journal off the ground. It'd be easier to just dust off my old Dreamwidth, but I'm not ready for the community 😭
I changed my layout on here!
My mom found a check from 2003... It was so I could buy the Homestar Runner CD...
When you want to write, but not code... Sigh!
I've contemplated making a diary page...but every day I don't bother writing in it.
Sometimes the "leveling up/training" part of art is the worst... I just want to finish something.
When I pay off my debts I'm going to buy a domain name...
Bought a notebook yesterday that I'm using to help me draft things when I'm not on desktop!
This is the second Uber driver that thought I was a teenager...
I wish smartphones weren't a huge part of daily life. I feel more at peace when mine is shut off. But work might call me...
I was distracted and burned my pizza... I'm going to eat it anyway. Crunchy!
My new pony came in the mail!
Forgot to install Cold Turkey on my new browser... Now I can't waste time anymore.
Noticed my way of compressing images has an obvious dip in quality... Hope that's not an issue for official art/screenshots/etc.
I think I have writer's block...I guess I can draw instead.
Well, my work hours are officially snipped until holiday season...Going to try to enjoy the free time for art+coding, paycheck aside.
Phone SD card was corrupted while trying to back up my music. Why do all of my attempts to archive important things fail...