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my life is not very interesting...

⭣ pls click to feed my son

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bugfelii 💡 2 days ago

ren fair + gen con soon

bugfelii 💻 5 days ago

Programming my computer to talk to me randomly,,, :3

bugfelii 💤 6 days ago

been dead all summer tbh, coding coding coding

bugfelii 😶 67 days ago

signed up for newgrounds again,, god i havent looked at that site in so long

bugfelii 📚 76 days ago

finals week guyss,,,,,

bugfelii 💡 89 days ago

Officially made the switch to fire fox... so freeing

bugfelii 🌧️ 96 days ago

been having a lot of anxiety lately

bugfelii ☀️ 109 days ago

had a fun little picnic under the solar eclipse, really amazing stuff

bugfelii 👽 130 days ago

i fuckinjg LOVE bugs !!!!!!

bugfelii ☀️ 137 days ago

this campaign is going to be the death of me,, remember to tell your dm you love them

bugfelii 💤 142 days ago

been awhile since ive indulged in any of my interests,, feeling so burnt out

bugfelii 🌱 182 days ago

time to study biology again!! i miss horticulture classes

bugfelii 🌧️ 185 days ago

shitty day today, so much work to finish up, but at least i got a good grade on my exam from yesterday

bugfelii ☀️ 188 days ago

aaa!!! i just bought a bunch of new dvds!!!

bugfelii ❄️ 190 days ago

really hoping the roads freeze tonight, i don't wanna have to take a test

bugfelii 💻 207 days ago

new year! same hyperfixations!

bugfelii 🌙 214 days ago

merry christmas, feliz navidad, and happy yule everyone!

bugfelii 😭 228 days ago

finals this week !!!!

bugfelii 🐱 242 days ago

a little anxious about some work that's due,,, took the day off though :,3

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