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Birds are cool


birdcorevoyager 💻 33 days ago

Been veeeeeeery slowly chipping away at the KDE theme I've been making...found an old laptop to test it on.

birdcorevoyager 📰 69 days ago

Aaaand the blog post is written! It's basically just me complaining about the Twitter thing I mentioned recently. <v>;

birdcorevoyager 🙃 69 days ago

Maybe instead of fiddling with my site's CSS, I should try and actually right a new blog post for it. >v>;

birdcorevoyager 😶 72 days ago

Wow, Twitter actually got fully moved over to the stupid "X" domain. Oh, well—I don't really use it these days anyway.

birdcorevoyager ✏️ 105 days ago

Tonight, I might stop procrastinating and finally work on my website's design! Got a couple of ideas I wanna try...

birdcorevoyager 📱 140 days ago

iPhone charger stop disconnecting at random challenge (difficulty: not a chance in the world)

birdcorevoyager 🔥 190 days ago

Friendly reminder to everyone, don't handle jalapeño peppers with your bare hands. Owww...

birdcorevoyager 💀 193 days ago

Sure have been enjoying this 35°C lately... xvx;

birdcorevoyager 🎮 236 days ago

Well, I've successfully surpassed 1,000 hours in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 9v6;

birdcorevoyager 🌈 249 days ago

Tried on foundation for the first time in my life last night.

birdcorevoyager 😭 255 days ago

I can't believe I forgot to look for the GUMMIBÄR album in stores on November 13th

birdcorevoyager ✏️ 266 days ago

My website is now over 100KB in size! And all it took was adding 3 JPEGs for the blog post I'm writing.

birdcorevoyager 😡 270 days ago

I love when I wake my computer from sleep mode and it blue-screens for no apparent reason

birdcorevoyager 💻 276 days ago

Swapped the "header" tags in non-content bits of my site for more appropriate ones (such as "time" for article dates).

birdcorevoyager 💻 282 days ago

Just replaced most of the "divs" on my website with semantic HTML elements.

birdcorevoyager 💻 289 days ago

Added OpenGraph stuff to my blog posts so that Telegram and Discord can show link previews for them.

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