omg!! i'm alive! i wanna revamp my website completely, so check back sooN!

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sorry, i'm still not in the right headspace to actively work on my website! i'll be back..!
finding a perfect balance between keeping a correct posture and being on pc is difficult...
downloading wii fit U rom so I can take some proper reference pictures of the trainers.
my baby dandy isn't doing well. i can't even call the vet rn bc of a holiday...
i love youuuu wiifi !!! thanks for always being there for me <3 <3
i traveled a long way to meet some ppl from a server for the first time. was nice.
I really should use my desktop more... I wanna work on my site.
kisses wii fit trainer :)
The captain falcon plush progress is going slowww ;=;
sleeps on captain falcon's lap.
working on my shiva cosplayyyyyy ahhh
it's been a year since i officially started yume/a relationship with captain falcon ;w;
i used a sewing machine for the first time in my life! im trying to make a cosplay for april!
slowly, the dream of having my husband in plush form is becoming a reality...
I should probably start thinking of what to put on my main page rather than add all these tiny little details that are a few clicks away..
figured out how to add videos, hehe. kinda cool
finally adding little things to my site again!
i hate how fireworks is supposedly banned, but nothing is being done to those explosives all week long.. anxiety going up
Have a nice holidays everyone!!