I want to add sections to my yume pages where i'll talk about my headcanons and things that make my f/o's so special to me. Soon!!

- Homepage
- Not defined
- Not defined
- About
- Not defined
winter time makes it hard to get to stuff. I want to draw and work on my site but!! (zzz)
new fortnite seasonnnn!
i'm bored of my vtube design already... mascots have never been my strong suit and i want to change the theme of my pageee.
comic con was a lot of fun! cosplaying the wii fit trainer was a success :)
ehehe part one of turning my bedroom into the Falcon House finished (painted the walls)
woo i added Keas section to the dormant interests :) adding all the images took a while i drew him more than i remember haha
I finally got a hognose snake!! gotta think of a name for him tho,...,
updated my captain falcon gallery, ooof seeing all the old art makes me wanna remake some of them ;;w;;
made pixels of the 4 og fzero machines :D
i've (kind of) awoken from the dead!!
i'm so exhausted but i gotta lift some furniture in a bit... dread...
wii fit trainer thoughts
i finally added tiny bits of text here and there.
my back hurts from using my pc all day but i'm having too much fun playing around with my pages sksksk
aaa its fun to slowly add little things to your website and see the pages fill up!!