retheme not fully applied yet but im sick give me time...

- Homepage
- Not defined
- About
inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a
home from seeing wife irl... i miss her : (
madoka finished... it will fully hit me on a cold rainy night and i will cry
minecraft story mode gif add a piclog or finally work on my about page
started madoka... waoaow..... i lvoe my wife......
wah nvm. tiired
trying to fix my site being blurry on everything but firefox wahh
skeleton crawling gif
sonic fixation WAAAAAA
obsessed w/ webfishing..
🎊 new index!! idk why its blurry on everything but firefox though..
long day of doing nothing but thats ok!
still need to change how some things look but new layout published yayyy 🎊
imaginal disk is... perfect. thank you magdalena bay we all say in unison
sonic frontiers started & site updated wahoo!
officially free of covid yaay !!
nearly 10k vylet pony scrobbles yaay
v5.0 finally published after onand off work .. im free
🎊 index retheme finally done .. surely this means ill work on other pages now
kind of wanna retheme but i enjoy the persona theme too much.. idk!