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inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a


basil ❄️ 11 days ago

nearly 10k vylet pony scrobbles yaay

basil ❄️ 12 days ago

v5.0 finally published after onand off work .. im free

basil 🌙 30 days ago

🎊 index retheme finally done .. surely this means ill work on other pages now

basil 🌙 43 days ago

kind of wanna retheme but i enjoy the persona theme too much.. idk!

basil 🌙 47 days ago

alan wake 2 is so perfect maybe i do love everything

basil 🌙 59 days ago

ill finish my about.. one day...

basil 🌙 73 days ago

became a crack addict (ff14 player)

basil 🌙 79 days ago

weh !? i think we're so back... (for now)

basil 🌙 81 days ago

working on huge revamps just very demotivated...

basil 🌙 124 days ago

beat p3r i need 5 years to ponder this

basil 🌙 131 days ago

p3r ost could save me from depression

basil 🌙 134 days ago

watching prezoh climbing game internet please stop disconnecting 🙏

basil 🌙 135 days ago

akihiko sanada my best friend ever

basil ❄️ 152 days ago

spent so long trying to fix a background issue... watever its done happy 6am

basil ❄️ 157 days ago

🎊 about officially done + home revamp

basil ❄️ 167 days ago

custom domain set up! still a wip though..

basil ❄️ 167 days ago

entire site revamp .. again >_<

basil 🌧️ 177 days ago

feeling a lot better so finally back to work

basil 💡 191 days ago

finding joy in the small things (ate a really good sandwich)

basil 💤 196 days ago

fell back asleep.. 2days another day.

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