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inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a


basil 💤 196 days ago

finished 3 pages & rethemed my status cafe... gonnamake some awesome breakfast now ^O^

basil 💡 196 days ago

running off 2 energy drinks and a motivation burst...

basil 💤 197 days ago

working on site again + watching aksually jackbox 🐱💻

basil ☀️ 198 days ago

redoing site ... lets see if i stick with it this time x__x !!

basil ☀️ 296 days ago

been p ranking every ultrakill level.. i need a job

basil ☀️ 300 days ago

vcing with bffs && reworking neocities

basil 🎶 303 days ago

awake . Drowning out my sorrows with music now!

basil 🌈 304 days ago

finsihed assignments ... art time ^__^

basil 🌈 305 days ago

working on site again maybe im just obsessed with constantly changing it

basil 🌈 306 days ago

relistening 2 in rainbows by radiohead

basil 🌧️ 306 days ago

brain melted. dont know how to feel

basil 😶 308 days ago

listened to need 2 by pinegrove.. i have got to explode

basil 😴 309 days ago

last few days have been so draining.. hope it gets back 2 normal soon

basil ☀️ 312 days ago

watching iasip.. life emoji

basil 💻 313 days ago


basil 🎶 315 days ago

I Love Scrobbling Music!!!!!!!!!!!

basil ☀️ 316 days ago

updated site n watching prezoh eyes closed emoji

basil 🌙 332 days ago

on my giufdhgjsklda,mwd type of vibe right now

basil 🔥 333 days ago

recovered from sore throat eating the best french fries ever

basil 💤 337 days ago

site updated and life is okay ^_^

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