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cat/auxie ♬ it/he/she ☆ pet me
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promise i'll set up a homepage soon, first i'm practicing CSS by constantly changing my layout here :3c


animecat 💾 11 hours ago

playing around w css gradients and outlines :3c if my profile colors look wack its bc i have nighttime filter on sorryyy i'll fix it tmrw <3

animecat 💔 1 day ago

nooooo edgeworth's anime voice is soooooo bad cmon man even the fanimatic voice actors got you beat JEEZ...

animecat 💻 1 day ago

pls dont make me use ublock origin to zap the anime girl png blocking 80% of all text on ur site. just change margin & height to % values

animecat 😭 2 days ago

managed to crack my glasses only 2 days before i have to spend all my fucking savings at the dentist. SCREAMING AND CRYING

animecat 💡 2 days ago

i am really good at coming up with cool usernames and a persona to match but i have no use for such things anymore

animecat 💻 3 days ago

need a blog site where i dont have to worry abt image hosting or storage space, can customize 100% of the layout, and it CANNOT be tumblr

animecat ☀️ 3 days ago

i'm so happy the sun was still out on my walk home, it was sunset but at least it wasnt pitch black.. i need to photosynthesize

animecat 📰 5 days ago

at this point all i hope for is that orange man doesnt annul my gay marriage. Well...i'm still hoping for a critical hit

animecat 💻 5 days ago

is it just me or is it impossible to find good desktop wallpapers these days???

animecat ❄️ 5 days ago

everything falls apart in winter cuz life revolves around laundry and i gotta hang it all outside. my dryer is the sun. Give it back

animecat 😡 5 days ago

how to make protonmail stop sending me emails about protonmail!!!!!!!!!!!!

animecat 🐱 5 days ago

@axel-exe to post anything on piclog you have to compress it. Just search "compress img online". Also ur homepage link is broken?

animecat 🤔 5 days ago

learned a lot by making my layout and it's my most competent use of CSS yet. However. i already dislike the finished design oops

animecat 🥳 6 days ago


animecat ✨ 7 days ago

rearranging my desk again so it actually shows off my naruto deskmat and all my other naruto things =)

animecat 🎤 7 days ago

first therapy session was so weird cuz i had to explain so much online stuff including this very site

animecat 💀 8 days ago

my brain has started inverting "that's cool! i want to do that too!" into "wow! ...i could never do that. i'll never be able to."

animecat 😱 10 days ago

every time i move my arm at all my shoulder goes *7000 Explosion Emojis*

animecat 🍏 11 days ago

made the Onion Pie from Townsends: 10/10, it's dessert and dinner at the same time, i dont even notice the egg

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