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Ally 23 she/her nz


allyrat 🙃 7 days ago

i was doing so well and now my mental has suddenly plummeted catastrophically OTL

allyrat 🌈 12 days ago

My birthday is nearly over, I spent my day relaxing and working on my cross stitch.

allyrat 🥰 20 days ago

Ordered a controller for my pc so I can play games more easily! I rlly don't like using a keyboard :'D

allyrat 😛 25 days ago

watched Furiosa, it was so good!! My first ever Mad Mad film, I wanna see more

allyrat 🥺 28 days ago

i don't wanna go to workkk wahhh i hate retail

allyrat 🥰 29 days ago

just devoured 4 mandarins

allyrat 💀 50 days ago

Re planning my entire Japan holiday around if/what I'm able to get tickets to Swallowtail

allyrat 😛 54 days ago

i said i was going to play some of my visual novels today but instead I ended up working on my website whoops

allyrat 🥰 67 days ago

Bought my tickets to Japan!!! I'm so excited aaaahh!!

allyrat 👽 73 days ago

Just watched Shin Godzilla

allyrat 😭 85 days ago

wish i was at the nitro chiral cafe fair right now T0T

allyrat 🙃 94 days ago

i need bejeweled but with boobs

allyrat 💔 96 days ago

i wish i could get cute novelty cakes and parfaits near me

allyrat 🥰 109 days ago

i love playing on my computer!!

allyrat 🌧️ 112 days ago

american jfashion fans scare me. love you guys but also like damn. calm down.

allyrat 🍞 120 days ago

i am what tradwives wish they were (good at baking bread)

allyrat 🙂 121 days ago

Hehe I'm excited for my paid day off on Friday

allyrat 😛 124 days ago

i love cross stitch yippieee!!!

allyrat ❄️ 131 days ago

The forbidden flavour: Salt 2

allyrat ☀️ 132 days ago

i wanna buy new lolita shoes >-<

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