Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
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- Hi, I'm Alis! You can find out more about me on my Neocities.
i finally booked a dentist appointment!!
yarn is expensive!!
I want one more penpal...
chilly day today... i want cuddles and knitting and coziness
today has been a million years of suffering
knitting is so hard... thinking of picking up a cute side crochet project to keep my spirits high while i work on this!
sooo eepy....
knitting a sweater + making Stella Parks strawberry shortcake <3
i love basking in the sunlight! so comfyyy
omg our local honey is so good!! i never even knew honey could be this good!
new dress came in the mail and it couldn't be more perfect!! <3 work is tough, but cute things make me feel better C:
knitting is soooooo much more expensive than crochet x_x
knitted with acrylic yarn yesterday and found it much easier than before! feeling encouraged!
just bought my first ever lolita petticoat... 13-year-old me would be so happy for me now!
i got sick :( i want blankets and cuddles and naps, and hot cocoa, and donuts...
it's friday wheeeeeeeeeee
feeling kind of sad, like i feel so different. but i know for a fact there are other people who are like me. that helps <3
i'm gonna miss these cats... i want a cattt!
really happy about all the ASL i've learned lately <3 + got a sewing machine (hand-me-down) for christmas!