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HI neocities coming soon I'M WOKRING ON IT!!

when i pick the onigiri emoji it's because idk which else to pick


ada ☀️ 3 hours ago

he wants to stay friends!! I have a homie now :3 and happy leo season btw

ada 💀 3 days ago

aaand he dumped me. cool. well maybe I can care about other things now

ada 🥺 6 days ago

it's been 2 days but i miss himmm ugh

ada 🧐 7 days ago

not to be "coquette" or anything but i kinda want mary janes and heart shaped glasses...

ada 🤔 8 days ago

suddenly having time off after weeks of grinding is so surreal like.. what do I even DO now

ada 💀 10 days ago

my visually impaired ass is once again begging neocities users to learn basic WCAG standards. please

ada ❤️ 10 days ago

crush let me lean on his shoulder :3

ada ☀️ 11 days ago

2 more weeks of grinding. and then I'm free

ada 👀 13 days ago

final tf2 comic issue confirmed!??

ada 🥰 15 days ago


ada ☀️ 17 days ago

my skin clearing up and 2nd hangout with crush confirmed YIPPIEE

ada 😭 21 days ago

neural networks are SUCH a pain in the ass to implement but I need that grade. badly

ada 🎶 22 days ago

What You Won't Do for Love is a perfect song btw

ada 🍙 23 days ago

fucked around and became addicted to lip gloss

ada 🌙 26 days ago

my melatonin ran out so now I have to Just Be Extremely Awake at 3am

ada 🌈 28 days ago

hmmm i don't think he wants a relationship BUT he wore my hairband & we hugged :3

ada ❤️ 29 days ago

aaaand we're meeting for coffee tomorrow. is life good actually? unbelievable.

ada ☀️ 33 days ago

i may be swamped with homework and in dire need of a haircut but idc i love being alive right now :3

ada ✨ 34 days ago

HE TEXTED ME?? this relationship shit is a breeze fr

ada ❤️ 35 days ago

I DID IT!! he most likely realized that I have a crush but THERE'S NO GOING BACK AND THAT'S OKAY

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