ziad 🙂 5 days ago
I am an embarrassed man.
I am an embarrassed man.
I don't know.
Feeling empty since yesterday.
New look for my website!
Do not sexualize fictional minors.
My art almost never gets interactions. I know they're crappy in a way. Arigathankgracias.
My art almost never gets interactions. I know they're crappy in a way. Arigathagracias.
Software is bad sometimes.
Somehow, I hate family trips.
Nekoweb is quite buggy unfortunately.
"Building your website around a template is hypocritical" Oh bROTHER,,
Erm, what the deuce?
I keep saying "Erm, what the sigma?" for certain things. Help.
I forgot I had this.
Can college not start again?
I'm not dead.