Read an article on coding a blog hoping it'll teach me about arrays and databases but instead it's just a basic HTML/CSS tutorial...
- Homepage
- Not defined
- About
- Not defined
How many times can I completely revamp my site? The answer is yes.
My heart is feeling a lot lighter today
Jekyll _includes folder my beloved. Without you I would not be able to keep my code as neat as I have. I would be SO lost
Still working through stuff...chipping away bit by me (ΛΆΒ°γ Β°)!!
What if I just pulled an all-nighter and worked on shit nonstop haha wouldn't that be wild? Wouldn't that be crazy?
Sometimes my brain is so full of thoughts I mentally blue-screen and suddenly 2 hours pass by...
Busy, busy, busy...
Suddenly certain things like status cafe or site stats don't work on mobile on nekoweb...I'm gonna pull my hair out trying to find out why..
Trying to figure out how to make a sound play when you hover over certain things like links or art thumbnails...its not working lol
Feeling like an idiot. Didn't realize my jekyll includes showed up as plain text because I forgot 6 dash lines before my code...
So far all I've learned from jekyll is that it's complicated as fuck and my site already is would just streamline coding things.
Looking into static site generators. Dunno how I would convert my site into a static one but I'll try. It takes too long to load as is.
Rain's coming down pretty hard...
Boutta have my shit rocked by a hurricane & if it makes me miss my oshi's karaoke/ other oshi's re-debut I WILL cry...just kidding. Kinda.
Got a lot to work on now with the basics of my site done. Portfolio page, add in more art to the gallery, make some assets, etc.
There's so much I want to add to my site. Right now it's just the bare essentials of what I need. Now the fun begins!
Will I EVER actually be satisfied with my website...probably not. But I have to get there someday.
Gonna be working on overdrive this month! I feel like I'm finally pulling myself out of the rut I've been trapped in for years. Let's gooo~!
Forgot I used shortcuts to make my phone play the splatoon 'item get' sound when it's 100% charged...scared the hell outta me lol.