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I'm zj! Statuscafe didn't let me make a two-character username, rip. Feel free to have a look at my site ^_^


zeejay 🐱 26 days ago

omg my tamanotchi grew up into a cat :DD I love cats!!

zeejay 🥰 103 days ago

I'm staying at my long distance partner's flat for the week(finally!). We're going to a medieval fair this weekend!! I'm so excited ^_^

zeejay 🥹 259 days ago

I'm back @ work! I work at a farm(4 visitors, not animal agriculture). hung out with the mini pigs today :D

zeejay ☕️ 345 days ago

I'm going to start a new job tomorrowI've been on sick leave since last October when i got burnout from my anxiety. Nervous but excited ':)

zeejay ✏️ 381 days ago

Just added another site to my internet neighbours page! Maybe check it out of you wanna :3

zeejay ☕️ 434 days ago

Baked some (swedish)cinnamon buns last nite.Havin family over 4 fika today.A lil stressed abt cleaning,but I'll get this place tidy in time!

zeejay 🌧️ 439 days ago

Been stormy these past couple of days. Going to try and get my apartment tidy now that the rain has finally stopped ^-^

zeejay ✨ 464 days ago

Gna try those "clean w/ me" YT videos & see if they can make me go on a cleaning spree.. that seems 2 be the only way I get anything done

zeejay 😇 479 days ago

Finally getting somewhere with cleaning my apartment!! Really helps clean my head too <3

zeejay 💀 511 days ago

Finally got style.css setup, I had been using inline css all this time :')

zeejay 🤔 511 days ago

Currently trying to figure out how to add a music player to the site without breaking WebNeko..

zeejay 🤔 511 days ago

Currently trying tyo figure out how to add a music player to the site without breaking WebNeko..

zeejay 🍾 524 days ago

I'm back! Had a rough couple months, so may not be super active but at least I'm here :3

zeejay 💻 632 days ago

Added the brand-new internet neighbours page! More sites will be added with time :)

zeejay 📰 633 days ago

Today I've made the site less of an eyesore on mobile and added the ability to input your site in guestbook (so I can check it out :P)

zeejay 🥰 634 days ago

Just made my first site button!! It's on my home page :D

zeejay 📰 635 days ago

Added brand new Resources page! Go check it out :3 also updated scrapbook

zeejay 🙂 635 days ago

Maybe I can use this thing to keep track of site updates ^_^