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I like working on my little projects
they/them | she/her


zagura ✨ 269 days ago

Went to sleep at 20 yesterday, apparently what was making me wanna cry all the time was partly sleep deprivation

zagura 🙃 301 days ago

regretting my choice of career path a LOT

zagura ✨ 343 days ago

wanna make a belt-mounted bag...

zagura 😎 352 days ago

made some new icons for my site's home page. I'm quite happy with them

zagura 🙂 357 days ago

still not satisfied with my website, im torn between making it slick vs creative, and having a hard time achieving both at the same time

zagura ✨ 369 days ago

trying to find my new website style again

zagura 💻 370 days ago

installed elementary os.. a bit janky, but i rly love the idea, so imma try to stay for a while

zagura 💻 384 days ago

Working on voxel stuff

zagura 📖 412 days ago

Trying to read the dragon book (the one about compilers and stuff)

zagura 😱 417 days ago

The nouns in Erzya are fucking wild

zagura 💻 423 days ago

worst thing about my programming uni assignments is that many of them make me write a lot of boilerplate code

zagura 💻 423 days ago

gtk development is kinda frustrating ngl

zagura 😶 425 days ago

i think i'll have to make a twitter account just to keep up with spanish politics :(

zagura 😭 427 days ago


zagura 🥳 434 days ago

OMGG discord added my most desired feature: favorite channels!!!

zagura 🤒 436 days ago

i think im getting quite sick

zagura 🙂 443 days ago

got back into gtk development, im soooo happyyyyy

zagura 🤩 447 days ago

liberation serif is becoming my favorite font

zagura 🙃 448 days ago

just cut my nails (from long claws to like 2 mm of the white part), and it feels soooo trippy

zagura 😡 448 days ago

discord is soo painfully slow again

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