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I like working on my little projects
they/them | she/her


zagura 🙂 21 days ago

i want potato

zagura ☀️ 21 days ago

I rly want summer to end already, it's too hot, and i wanna start learning hairdressing already

zagura 🍿 73 days ago

Pans & Company has the best fries

zagura 🍿 78 days ago

i want fries

zagura 🍏 78 days ago

feeling a bit salty towards corporate social media and people who stay there despite there being good alternatives

zagura 🙃 81 days ago

aeruiaregrbahbraebharviubvbaberboeha fhefa hahfsd ksjdf jsdh fhsdhiof ihdhoif hodsof hosdfosdf ghshod vh

zagura 😱 88 days ago


zagura 💻 105 days ago

working on a gemini+gopher browser

zagura 💻 114 days ago

trying to design a cpu now

zagura 🙂 115 days ago

pls kill me

zagura 🙃 115 days ago

wow theyre teaching us git on the last trimester of the second year of CS

zagura 🙃 115 days ago

uni just started again and im already disappointed

zagura 🙂 148 days ago

i've been making a tile-based ascii walking simulator lately... and it's using vulkan in the backend yiiis, i feel smart c:

zagura 🙂 172 days ago

im sooo tempted to start another project rn!!, but i must persevere

zagura 💻 176 days ago

making some progress on my programming language

zagura 😎 209 days ago

Completely redesigned my website for 2024

zagura 😎 210 days ago

redesigning my entire website to be black & white rn, I've become kind of obsessed with b&w design lately

zagura 🙂 225 days ago

feeling much better than a week or so ago

zagura 💀 249 days ago

just gonna try getting a full time job and skip uni, im just so done xd

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