the sun today felt like a handjob
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Traveling swallowing dramamine
Feeling spaced breathin' out Listerine
I said what I'd said that I'd tell ya
And that you've killed the better part of me
If you could just milk it for everything
I've said what I've said and you know what I mean
But I still can't focus on anything
We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves
Traveling swallowing dramamine
Look at your face like you've killed in a dream
And you think you've figured out everything
I think I know my geography pretty damn well
You say what you need so you'll get more
If you could just milk it for everything
I've said what I've said and you know what I mean
But I still can't focus on anything
bite b4 u get bittenwwww
am so hungry but theres a lot ov blood in my mouyth
a new child network has been birthed
I'm the representation for girls who are always a god never an angel
goodnight everyone too drunk and pretty to kill myself so staying alive forever
come to me let's make each other worse
fuck you(crawling over to sit in ur lap like a spoiled little thing)
I need my boobs covered in his blood
oh snap the alcohol went straight to my pussy
come outside nd play cigarettes with me
girl you must be from
*looksin the mirror* kys gorgeous
my most feminine quality is that I'mpure evil
i hate soft people i hope it kills u
where r the FREAKS. come the fuck HERE
bullets stopped harming me recently
girl go get hurt
mommy is sleepy goodnight losers