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Traveling swallowing dramamine
Feeling spaced breathin' out Listerine
I said what I'd said that I'd tell ya
And that you've killed the better part of me
If you could just milk it for everything
I've said what I've said and you know what I mean
But I still can't focus on anything
We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves
Traveling swallowing dramamine
Look at your face like you're killed in a dream
And you think you've figured out everything
I think I know my geography pretty damn well
You say what you need so you'll get more
If you could just milk it for everything
I've said what I've said and you know what I mean
But I still can't focus on anything


yuru 🌙 15 hours ago

having auditory hallucinations of my phone ringtone I might lose it Stop

yuru 🌙 2 days ago

siamese kittens in cyberspace

yuru 🌙 3 days ago

TURNING anger to glitter !.

yuru 🌙 3 days ago

I'm most likely not yayw

yuru ❤️ 3 days ago

lets find out if I'm in life threatening danger

yuru 🌙 5 days ago

hardstyle/techno concert went awesome I felt like a 4 am god

yuru 🌙 7 days ago

was out camping andhad a wonderful time

yuru ❤️ 9 days ago

ill take u on a ride if u cankeep a seecreet

yuru 🌙 11 days ago

kittens of the field

yuru 🌙 13 days ago

lets get fucked up and die

yuru 🌙 17 days ago

passed all m finals wahhddbsncm

yuru 🌙 19 days ago

so sleepy time 4 rayman legends

yuru 🌙 21 days ago

alone & unafraid

yuru ❤️ 23 days ago

wuold u still love me if I escaped my enclosure

yuru 🌙 24 days ago

silence pothead. an alcoholic is talking

yuru ✨ 25 days ago

excited to do my drivers license stuf wahahawa

yuru 🌙 26 days ago

itsokaaay its okayww :-]

yuru 🌙 30 days ago

smoking beer drinking cigarettes or whatyevr

yuru 🌙 31 days ago

pissing me the fuck off all by urself handsome ?

yuru ❤️ 33 days ago


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