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Russian-American madman who will eat you like Baba Yaga


yurasys 😴 89 days ago

working on my site againnnn

yurasys 😯 246 days ago

status.cafe has become LONG

yurasys 😶 257 days ago

forgot about this site oopsiee

yurasys 🌧️ 280 days ago

i've been so grumpy all day i think if someone says some shit to me i'm gonna kill them

yurasys 💤 283 days ago

i got SO MUCH done today i need a nap SO bad

yurasys 😴 284 days ago

hehehehahaha the jack-o'-lantern hehehehahaha the chocolate ice

yurasys 💾 284 days ago

work work work >_<

yurasys 🎮 286 days ago

friend's birthday we are mario karting

yurasys 😶 288 days ago

105 pages...

yurasys 🥰 288 days ago

just came back from spending time with my goats :melt: they are vibing

yurasys 😡 289 days ago

got enough of the site done that i can post the update i am going to explode. this little red guy does not even begin to explain how i feel

yurasys 😡 291 days ago

nerding out for my website makes me sad i don't have friends that are the same breed of nerd as me

yurasys 💤 291 days ago

i am god's eepiest solier

yurasys 🥱 291 days ago

need to go mimis but i need to get out of pearl league in duolingo before i go crazy