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Yung Wake button


yungwake0 🙂 20 days ago

Crisis averted I managed to get the ableton files back

yungwake0 😡 25 days ago

I think I just fucking deleted all my ableton files there goes 98% of my unfinished songs

yungwake0 💀 67 days ago

what the hell did they do to the minecraft launcher

yungwake0 🤔 69 days ago

You're telling me a bee rated this movie?

yungwake0 🥳 89 days ago

And after multiple months of working on it, my new link page is finally up and running

yungwake0 ✅ 91 days ago

Peep the new about me page ngl

yungwake0 💻 95 days ago

Neocities development kicking my ass rn, I'm gonna have to roll this update out in phases cause there's a lot for me to do here

yungwake0 🥳 97 days ago

HAPPY LIMA BEAN RESPECT DAY!!!! and... 420 too, I guess 🙄

yungwake0 🥱 99 days ago

Ain't no way it's been 82 days since I last posted anything, was I really sick that long? oh well new website shit AND music soon

yungwake0 🔥 181 days ago

Y'all actually run up my new song on soundcloud I'm actually kinda proud of this one

yungwake0 👀 189 days ago

something is shifting I can feel it in my bones

yungwake0 😴 189 days ago

glad I stopped fuckin with the trap metal "scene" shit's so absurdly toxic no wonder I was depressed

yungwake0 🔥 190 days ago

fixing to have my stuff on streaming on Valentines day

yungwake0 🎲 193 days ago

unlocking some new emotions lately

yungwake0 🎤 196 days ago

you keep stomping on my heart but it just won't bleed

yungwake0 ❤️ 197 days ago

I think maybe 1 or 2 more songs and I'm ready to start putting shit on streaming. we'll see 🤫

yungwake0 🤩 215 days ago

How does my site have 30000 VIEWS I am NOT THAT SPECIAL

yungwake0 🎤 216 days ago

waking body says no, subconscious whispering fucking yes

yungwake0 💀 239 days ago

been super dead lately. sorry about that, life is super hectic as of late and internet just hasn't been a priority

yungwake0 😴 284 days ago

not the first time I've sacked twitter. but it will surely be my last since there isn't even anyone there anymore

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