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will fix my profile later ^_^;;


yukine 🎮 10 days ago

halfway done with my gen 6 only living pokedex!!!!! 379 down 342 to go!!!

yukine 🥳 13 days ago

19 today! yay!

yukine 🥳 23 days ago

that disorder sure is complex, post-traumatic, AND stressful ain't it

yukine 💤 46 days ago

i wish summer would end already. it's hot and i can't breathe

yukine ☀️ 60 days ago

it's terrifying how there's people out there that don't think climate change is real

yukine 😴 75 days ago

lungs are so fucked... should probably be in the er right now.....

yukine 🔥 80 days ago

i shouldn't have to obey the law when i'm premenstruating

yukine 🥺 87 days ago

missing noragami

yukine 😴 90 days ago

art fight prep...

yukine 🤒 92 days ago

why can't this code just fix itself... this is so stupid

yukine 🌱 95 days ago

i'm like the dancing pug rn