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yoookai 😭 1 day ago

I'm getting used to classes again, and the tiredness and lack of time haven't let me keep making progress on my website...

yoookai 😭 3 days ago

So I'm learning JS on my own thanks to the internet, 'cause I'm totally lost.

yoookai 🙃 3 days ago

The teacher showing a code for a little game in JavaScript on the screen for us to copy, which he took exactly from a YouTube tutorial...

yoookai 🥱 3 days ago

I woke up feeling a little sick

yoookai ✨ 5 days ago

It turns out that the exhausting week of classes makes me appreciate a calm weekend at home.

yoookai 💻 8 days ago

First day back to school. It feels like the vacation never happened.

yoookai 😶 17 days ago

First time here, and slowly working on my website still