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y2k 🤒 71 days ago

back home.. no longer catsitting. i miss it terribly

y2k 🐱 78 days ago

still catsitting. this cat is toooooo cute

y2k 💤 81 days ago

im lowkey flopping.. i need to do things

y2k 🐱 82 days ago

im catsitting and its literally so much fun. like this cat will just hang out with me

y2k ☀️ 222 days ago

im just hanging out

y2k 💀 236 days ago

coded for too many hours my brain is melting a bit. all in good fun though

y2k 💔 238 days ago

i had a truly epic time with my friends for 5 days and i now miss them very very dearly we had so much fun

y2k 🎱 246 days ago

thanksgiving tomorrow and then i wake up in the middle of tomorrow night for a flight So much to do im a little nervous. but fuck it we ball

y2k 😯 249 days ago

the vibes are off todau

y2k 🌧️ 250 days ago

no puppy tonight. deeply saddening. but i'll be okay

y2k 🐶 251 days ago

going to drive in a bit and i will get to see a puppy toniht. peace and love

y2k ✨ 251 days ago

chewing some gum. life has moments of sunshine

y2k 🌈 252 days ago

i just coded for like 5 hours and although i'm not done yet i'm pretty happy with it so far ^__^

y2k 💻 252 days ago

finally got verified here yippee! very exciting. i may do some coding now or at least listen to some music