February really flew by!

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tired of tripping over my cats in the dark while trying to turn the light on
discovering life one step at a time
half a year later & no light on the horizon
wanna go to Taiwan now
Winter is coming
I've learned nothing, time to panic
back from vacay, what next? At crossroads...
going one step forward after going at least two steps backwards, but safe from going backwards again
no floods here, but the mosquitoes are coming
in limbo state
so much of life is just waiting for the right moment to come & when it happens you're never prepared
I was trying to figure out how to make sth. with forest material, but what was it? really makes me wonder what else I've forgotten...
spring is SO here! trying to post here at least monthly from now on
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almost crashed my yourls setup trying to upgrade. hope I'm prepared for the next time!
this year's turbulences are heavier than I could have imagined
the slang project of my youth is down :(((((
I make radiooooooo
βPaper as the medium for the worldβs memory has one great advantage. It survives benign neglect well."