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Hi, I'm Weeble. You can find me on the forums I frequent with the same username as here.


weebleweep 🎶 240 days ago

I can't stop listening to German EDM.

weebleweep 😶 270 days ago

When I walk down the halls at school, I get anxious I'm breathing too loud. Then I can't breathe until I get to my locker.

weebleweep 🥳 272 days ago

Video calling my boyfriend when I get home... I can't wait!

weebleweep 🥱 272 days ago

So tired... I can't wait for the day when I can cuddle and fall asleep next to my boyfriend..Love him so much <3

weebleweep 🥱 274 days ago

when is my boyfriend gonna wake up.... aughh

weebleweep 😶 274 days ago

Dad switches from "comforting" me to saying "you want me to smash all your shit again?" in seconds..