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webcatz 🤩 367 days ago

land of fans and music 5... act 2??

webcatz 🤒 368 days ago

not my gay ass getting sick and sleeping the weekend away

webcatz 🎶 368 days ago

big fan of songs where the singer starts giving a speech halfway through

webcatz 😭 368 days ago

dungeon meshi OVER... i am gonna cry

webcatz 🥳 369 days ago

compsci class finally getting sorta interesting

webcatz ❤️ 371 days ago

binged the entirety of over the garden wall. that was incredible

webcatz 😶 372 days ago

urgh. school blues

webcatz ❄️ 375 days ago

getting cold again :(

webcatz 😎 378 days ago

actually we are social animals

webcatz 👽 385 days ago

java scipt

webcatz 💻 390 days ago

rewriting my homestuck shrine for the billionth time... hopefully i'll get it to a publishable state this time

webcatz 🌙 392 days ago

so cool that there's just an orb in the sky. a thing. up there. that's literally so awesome

webcatz 🐱 392 days ago

you can pry :3 out of my cold dead silly hands

webcatz 💡 393 days ago

cool idea for a game. maybe

webcatz 🤖 394 days ago

baba is you world map... complete. good feeling!!!!!!! now onto finishing the rest

webcatz 🌈 394 days ago

deliver me by helicopter to a beautiful field where me and all the other transgenders can frolic and play. ok ?

webcatz 💻 397 days ago

was no one going to tell me about freaking clip-path....

webcatz 😇 397 days ago

someone thwop me around like a wet plushie. thanks

webcatz 💥 398 days ago

my mars laikascomet keychain is freaking Here 💥💥💥

webcatz 🍁 399 days ago

night in the woods was really really really good. play it now. ok

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