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webcatz 💤 81 days ago

estrogen would have fixed her (image of cisgender woman)

webcatz 🔥 82 days ago


webcatz 🤩 82 days ago

love obsidian's stacked tabs so much they feel so good to use

webcatz 😇 84 days ago

switching pkms AGAIN. obsidian how i have always loved you (lie)

webcatz 🎶 106 days ago

she see on my person till i through

webcatz 🌃 110 days ago

god i want to be a girl

webcatz 🍳 123 days ago

ok im cooking a little bit. some website updates soon...

webcatz 🙂 123 days ago

everyboby blow up NOW

webcatz 🔥 125 days ago

im gleaching outt

webcatz 🔥 129 days ago

giving my characters thematically relevant trauma like its jojo stands

webcatz 🤖 129 days ago

i am a wizard in an abandoned library discovering the cursed & forbidden keyboard shortcuts

webcatz 😴 137 days ago

stoppppp giving me things to do cant i just work on my silly little comic.

webcatz 😭 138 days ago

the problem with liking obscurer music is that the lyrics are never on spotify. what are you screaming about girl 💯

webcatz 🥱 147 days ago

give me a break challenge (spectacular fail)

webcatz ❤️ 151 days ago

genuinely so awesome all the big names in the emo music scene are trans. i love you

webcatz 💔 153 days ago

biggest flaw of the human body is that you cant do the arpeggios with your mouth

webcatz 😴 165 days ago

theyre calling me the sleepy. i am the one who sleeps

webcatz 🎶 172 days ago

discovering my oc lore by making her playlist

webcatz 🌙 173 days ago

fucked that there's no ouroboros emoji. badly needed

webcatz 😭 179 days ago

where does the time go...

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