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hi! i'm grey.

here are some.. facts.. about me.. heh

  • she/her. yea
  • north carolinian. i was virginian. now im north carolinian.
  • my favorite band is animal collective and i also really like bjork
  • i still like smooth jazz and have no shame. listen to the rippingtons and you will enter a new world
  • im christian and i think that god is cool
  • i have 3 dogs. ive had a lot more. i also had 2 rats. they died. it was sad
  •  im in a relationship with someone who does cocaine
  • i am not in a relationship with someone who does cocaine. they are nice and obey the law and i like them a lot
  • im in community college and i am planning a takeover of their faculties
  • i'm also homeschooled so every second of my life is spent trying to be "hip"
  • ...thanks for being here and reading my thoughts. email me


watercurses 🎶 935 days ago

listening to animal collective while drinking coffee in a weirdly thick cup