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vertebrate 🎮 17 days ago

la la la la la la la la la ~

vertebrate 🌙 27 days ago

i always want to say something insightful here, but i never do...

vertebrate 🌙 37 days ago

ahhhh so tired... wanna draw..... but so damn TIRED!

vertebrate 💻 43 days ago

imso saddd..... i miss marquee before it got deprecated........

vertebrate ❤️ 45 days ago

i love my wife v2 the robot from ultrakill she hates me so much i mneed to kiss her

vertebrate 💻 46 days ago

fanfiction is so freeing ^^ plauying with my dolls....

vertebrate 🌧️ 46 days ago

oh my god, im so thankful for rain..!

vertebrate 💤 46 days ago

ive had a long long long long long night making music i think..... mmmmm i hope i dont burn myself out :'3

vertebrate 🌈 47 days ago

ahhhhh i finally got my confirmation email....... <3 this place is so cool