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vaerael 💀 438 days ago

*does a dramatic magical girl transformation into a corpse on your front porch*

vaerael 💀 449 days ago

ive got a sort of mini vacation coming up that my boss accidentally set and im so excited!!! gonna spend it prepping to move house tho 💔

vaerael 💀 458 days ago

finally updated my site!!! um... not much has changed on the main page and the project pages aren't accessible to the public but who cares!!

vaerael 💀 476 days ago

*eating you* *eating you* *eating you*

vaerael 💀 567 days ago

recently ive been super duper into working on my lego city and wow! there are so many cool sets i cannot wait to show them off ;u;

vaerael 💀 647 days ago

mcr played sister to sleep live for the first time since 2003!!!! i dont know what to do with myself!!! i cant live a normal life anymore!!!

vaerael 💀 668 days ago

*giggles cutely* like... nya~☆ ! *is rent asunder*

vaerael 👀 681 days ago

oughhh... gerard way................

vaerael 💀 745 days ago

oh to be an unemployed housewife.......

vaerael 💀 751 days ago

been listening to 10 simple murders by the future kings of nowhere on repeat (not literally)... song of the summer

vaerael 📺 751 days ago

i am being so normal about stranger things i swear (lying)

vaerael ❤️ 753 days ago

not dead just vibing