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username 🌱 342 days ago

This status has the ID 27072. Hi, I'm not dead!

username 🥳 572 days ago

Surprise! Happy new year, bye 2022. That year was not very good, but not too bad. Status Cafe has over 10,000 statuses!

username 🌍 826 days ago

Happy Earth Day :)

username 933 days ago

Over 400 statuses have been posted!

username 🥳 937 days ago

Happy new year! I just hope it won't be like last time...

username 💡 937 days ago

Suggestion: When mentioning a user, for example @username, the mention should link to the user's profile

username 👀 941 days ago

How did you discover Status Cafe?

username 959 days ago

This status knows it has an ID of 172!

username 💡 964 days ago

Why not have the "status widget" have a link to the user's profile?

username 🥰 967 days ago

Great website!