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uri your beautiful webangle (he/she)


uriel ✨ 70 days ago

im graduating!! finally some free time.. will work on the site soon. also, anyone have 123guestbook alternatives T_T

uriel 🥳 107 days ago

ive been so busy with school it actually hurts. dont go to college you will NOT get more knowledge. also yesterday was my birthday yay im 20

uriel 🎮 181 days ago

playing like a dragon 8 for the foreseeable future. expect little update lol

uriel 🙂 188 days ago

running out of update time! trip then sick then cramming my winter courses then spring semester starts! help me im so busy.

uriel 😇 203 days ago

got distracted by holidays and now winter courses and soon a trip! plan to update at least monthly due to nye resolution

uriel 🤒 227 days ago

finals week making me ill

uriel 😭 232 days ago

last two weeks of college more like last two weeks of loosing my mind

uriel 💤 245 days ago

home at last after a terrible holiday im ready to pass out forever

uriel 📺 251 days ago

been watching a lot of house md and good lord they need to make gaybait like this again

uriel 😶 255 days ago

keep trying to code a new diary and giving up

uriel 🎨 257 days ago

crocheted a bunch of gifties + now i have soc hw. feeling productive

uriel 🌈 263 days ago

got so stressed today thx to college but at least im coding again

uriel 💾 273 days ago

getting my new laptops set up.. rip to the hinges on the other one

uriel ✨ 277 days ago

just finished mask girl. i sniffled my way through that finale T_T

uriel 😭 278 days ago

its literally been 2 months since i updated my site LMAO the hyperfix ended and then i got sick and swamped with homework

uriel ☕️ 319 days ago

sweetlings im so sorry i will come back soon but i have so much work and im sickly

uriel 😇 328 days ago

first week of school is over, still finishing my hw though

uriel 🙃 339 days ago

site burnout hit but god i need to update some of the pages

uriel 😶 341 days ago

doing so much and still forgetting to write in my diary about it

uriel 💻 343 days ago

burned my first cd ever yaaay its for sunnys bday gift

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