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☆ Just your wolfdog who uses the internet to bark ☆

☆ Put a collar on me and tug my leash™ ☆


ulvehund 😂 3 days ago

Lol it's so windy outside, that my pokemon cards are flying away

ulvehund 👀 5 days ago

I should clean my room today

ulvehund 🙂 8 days ago

Sometimes it just feels good to delete stuff

ulvehund 💀 14 days ago

Almost choked on noodles of

ulvehund 😱 14 days ago

Eww, a bug just flew on my leg oof

ulvehund ❤️ 20 days ago

Guess who's getting Mcdonalds >:3c

ulvehund 💤 35 days ago

I am so sleepy and tired >>

ulvehund 🌈 39 days ago

Just saw rainbow outside!

ulvehund ✨ 42 days ago

Just saw a car that had light on it's front wheel, which looked cool!

ulvehund 🌧️ 43 days ago

Make it rain, but instead of money, give me pokemon cards

ulvehund 🌧️ 47 days ago

Just when I was going to go out with my dog, it starts raining >:(

ulvehund 🥹 47 days ago

I am dizzy >___>

ulvehund 😱 54 days ago

Oh ew, guess I just got nose spray in my mouth

ulvehund 👀 63 days ago

I saw two small planes fly together today!👀

ulvehund ❤️ 64 days ago

Aww, I just saw a car that had a paw print on it🐾

ulvehund 😡 66 days ago

There's is a spider crawling on my mangas!!!

ulvehund 👀 66 days ago

I think I just saw a bat fly past my windows

ulvehund 👀 68 days ago

Just found my old ipod. Time to charge it.

ulvehund 😭 68 days ago

It sucks when I want to clean my room, but I'm. just low on energi

ulvehund 👀 72 days ago

Guess who just saw an eagle

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