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twitch coded mechcommander fansite


twitchcoded 🙂 13 days ago

chronic fatigue has been absolutely kicking me recently, but yesterday i went for a walk and thought about how nice it is to be alive

twitchcoded ✅ 65 days ago

done with exams yaaayyyyy ^_^

twitchcoded ✅ 72 days ago

one week left until i'm done with exams

twitchcoded 📚 75 days ago

thinking of re-vamping my journal on my site this week, although i have 3 exams which i should really be revising for instead

twitchcoded 🥳 77 days ago

fixed the coding for the draggable snail stickers yaaaayyyy ^-^

twitchcoded 💻 78 days ago

noooo why aren't my snail stickers on my site working anymore :(

twitchcoded 🍕 98 days ago

dyed my hair pink and ordering pizza. life could be a dream

twitchcoded 💾 119 days ago

i refuse to believe that anyone has ever voluntarily saved an image as a webp.

twitchcoded 🎶 123 days ago

my orchestra concert on the weekend went really well but i do feel like i've been hit by a bus now

twitchcoded 🎶 134 days ago

writing music again and trying to be unbothered by making it sound "correct" or worrying about the theory. just trying to wnjoy the process.

twitchcoded 🎷 146 days ago

ahhh the concert yesterday went well, it was great, i missed music and concerts sooo much

twitchcoded 🎷 152 days ago

i'm going to be playing in the first concert i've done in 5 years in just a few days

twitchcoded 💾 185 days ago

been playing fallen london, i've had it bookmarked for a while it's really intriguing me so far...

twitchcoded 🎶 185 days ago

i've been getting into katzenjammer recently their music is soooo soo good

twitchcoded 🥳 198 days ago

finished my italian exam yaaaaayyyy

twitchcoded 🌈 210 days ago

did some drawings of my fox characters yesterday, and i want to make some character pages for my site now :)

twitchcoded ✏️ 253 days ago

i haven't drawn anything in months, i miss it :( maybe i'll draw something tomorrow after my appointment. as a reward.

twitchcoded 💻 258 days ago

made an account on cohost - going to try it out once i'm out of the waiting period

twitchcoded 🙃 265 days ago

i've overworked myself to the point of really bad burnout - there probably won't be a site update until my christmas break

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