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tubedfruit ❄️ 217 days ago

taking a short break!

tubedfruit ❄️ 234 days ago

i lovee winter :D

tubedfruit 🥳 244 days ago

acquired all my pc parts. time to build hehe

tubedfruit 💾 260 days ago

almost finished with the new layout!

tubedfruit ✨ 278 days ago

just cleaned up my desktop

tubedfruit 💻 306 days ago

gonna play the sims 3 for the very first time!

tubedfruit 🤒 318 days ago

tummy hurts big tim e

tubedfruit 💔 395 days ago

slipped and fell in the shower RIP

tubedfruit 🏂 424 days ago

insane in the membrane

tubedfruit 🤩 434 days ago

made beef stroganoff

tubedfruit ✏️ 448 days ago

revamping the site!

tubedfruit 👽 495 days ago

thinkin about re doing some pages on my site idk

tubedfruit 🧐 501 days ago

procrastinating by cleaning my entire room

tubedfruit 🥳 504 days ago

it's my birthday!!!!!!!

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